After an initial needs assessment, USA Architects was tasked with updating Salem County's Courthouse to be on par with the "New Jersey Courthouse Facility Guidelines". The existing facilities were undersized and inaccessible. The proposed solution is a three-story courthouse addition which will include 4 new criminal courthouses with adjacent shared security holding, attorney-client interview room, jury deliberation room, 4 new judge's chambers, grand jury room, jury assembly room, courthouse holding, sheriff's command center, and offices.
The new courthouse addition will become the main entrance. 92 Market Street Courthouse will connect to the 98 Market Street Administration building through both a vehicular sally-port and a second-floor bridge connection. The addition will resolve security concerns by separating public circulation from both the secure circulation of persons in custody and that of the judges. The larger lobby allows for a smoother operating pattern for security screening for all patrons entering.