The original Huber Art Center was a 3-story traditional school house building, circa 1930, with a 1-story annex added in the 1970’s. The facility was transformed through renovations and an addition into a state of the art facility which accommodates the Art Department.
The design involved the creation of multiuse, flexible studios/classrooms and the expansion of existing studios; as well as the design of passive and active devices to control heat gain in the new entrance lobby.
Most functions and room uses, located in the original building, were enlarged, converted to new use, or relocated within the existing building or to the addition. Space relocation was due to the limits of the existing structure to accommodate the larger program area and/or the relationship in the overall organization of the facility.
The addition houses an office suite, large painting and sculpture studios, several common areas for students, and the new Kaufmann Gallery. The Kaufmann Gallery is used for daytime and evening events, displaying art from around the region. The flexible function of the gallery space accommodates all aspects of art installations.
A glass rotunda joins together the new addition and the existing building and serves as a main lobby, specifically for large exhibitions. It also serves as a common area for students and staff, with a great deal of natural light and built-in seating. The natural light is diffused on all curtain walls by custom
designed aluminum sunshades.